I was at work. But New Inspector says everything looks okay, except my Building Permit has expired (last year) and that my bedroom windows don't meet code.
Excuse me?
My bedroom windows don't meet fire code. In case of an emergency, every bedroom has to have two exits, the doorway and an operable window. I could hear him adjusting his pocket protector as he quoted me from whatever manual he uses.
So. It doesn't matter that Really Old Guy and Other Inspector signed off on EVERYTHING before I put insulation up. The plumbing, electrical, air conditioning, load bearing walls that were moved, foundation, the flooring system...
My bedroom windows don't meet code. So I have to take them out. And replace the newly refinished, freshly painted, re-glazed, original, but inoperable, complete with new storm windows, bedroom windows, with THREE new ones. That work. And open. That a person escaping a fire or really bad gas can escape out of, or a burglar can step into.
Notice the completely finished Sheetrock above, below, around the window.
The prettiest thing about my house, to me, is the light, and the windows.
This is a battle I will not win. I made sure, though 101 years old, that this house was NOT in the historic district, so I wouldn't have to fight with THOSE guys.
Instead, I have to fight with New Inspector. Or surrender.
I already renewed my Building Permit. Which is ridiculous. Do you know how many permits I've had these past 4 years?
Two steps forward, one step back.